Minnesota is number one or near number one in virtually every single economic, cultural, or educational indicator when measured against other states. We have some of the highest home ownership rates, income levels, high school graduation rates, college entrance exam scores, K-12 education funding levels, and rate of those with health insurance in the nation.
Conversely, we have some of the lowest rates of poverty, illiteracy, those lacking a high school diploma, and unemployment in the nation. Minnesota is a great place to live, but we cannot take our world leading status for granted. We must continue to innovate, modernize, and reform our government to compete in a 21st century world economy. I have included some information on just some of the important issues which affect the communities in which we live in. Please feel free to contact me regarding any other issues that concern you.
It is an honor being your State Representative and I ask for your support on November 6th. Thanks!
Rep. Patrick Garofalo
We must keep our energy affordable even as we work to protect the environment. That is why Representative Garofalo supports an ALL OF THE ABOVE approach to our energy needs.
- Increased renewable energy production through wind, hydro, and solar technology
- Increased production through domestic clean coal technology
- Increased production through nuclear power
- Promotion of common sense conservation measures
- A balanced plan which LOWERS ENERGY PRICES

Over the last 2 years, Minnesota has increased funding of our education system by hundreds of millions of dollars. In addition to appropriately funding our schools, Representative Garofalo supports more accountability in our education funding. In previous sessions, Representative Garofalo successfully enacted a loan forgiveness plan, that will save the taxpayers of the Farmington School District over 30 million dollars.
Representative Garofalo has also chief authored the alternative license bill, which expands the pipeline of qualified individuals into the classrooms of our schools.
Representative Garofalo supports local control of our schools. Minnesotans do have a great track record with education. We don’t need Washington, D.C. bureaucrats telling us how to run our schools. Representative Garofalo will work to keep schools under the control of local parents and teachers, not federal politicians.

2nd Amendment Rights
Representative Garofalo is endorsed by the National Rifle Association. Representative Garofalo has voted for and will continue to support legislation which protects our 2nd amendment rights. Representative Garofalo is endorsed by the National Rifle Association.
Representative Garofalo has voted for and will continue to support legislation which protects our 2nd amendment rights.
Concealed Carry Reform – Representative Garofalo supported legislation which brought uniformity and consistency to the state’s concealed carry permit legislation. This legislation guarantees consistent background checks, training, and safety throughout the state.
Range Protection Act – Some anti-sportsman groups have tried using local zoning ordinances to shut down sportsman clubs. Representative Garofalo supported common sense legislation to protect these businesses from unfair government intrusion.

Adoption Instead of Abortion
A society is best judged by how it treats its most vulnerable. Representative Garofalo’s voting record shows a commitment to protecting unborn children. In addition to co-sponsoring legislation to encourage adoption over abortion and ban forced taxpayer funding of abortion, Representative Garofalo has a strong pro-life voting record in the legislature.